John Evan Cash Foundation Scholarship
Support Our Bethel Youth
The John Evan Cash Foundation is an organization aimed to promote mental health advocacy, support, and education. The foundation seeks to provide one young lady and one young man graduating from high school, a scholarship to aid in continuing their education.
2nd Episcopal District Scholarships
Annual Davis McKinney Scholarship Application
The Maude Davis/Joseph C. McKinney Scholarship was established by the Lay Organization of the 2nd Episcopal District for the purpose of assisting worthy young women and men, of the Christian faith, in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in obtaining a college education. The 2nd Episcopal District Lay Organization will administer the funds for this scholarship, with contributions from all five Conferences in the District: Baltimore, Washington, Virginia, North Carolina, and Western North Carolina, as well as the Davis/McKinney Scholarship Foundation. The mission of the Davis/McKinney Foundation is to generate and award financial resources in support of the Davis/McKinney Scholarship Program.